Saturday, February 23, 2008

Ruby on Rails...has it derailed outsourcing?

Startup companies are the best examples of "globalization - right from the starting blocks". They begin their operations with a small team and they make the best use of engineering talent from around the world. Investors demand the maximum bang for the buck, and of course getting more mileage out of limited Dollars is the priority till more funding comes their way. Startups prove the fact that you don't have to be a big Corporation to leverage global talent.

Ruby on Rails seems to fit very well into the Startup ecosystem. Its a fast and easy way of rapidly building product prototypes and its use is well entrenched in the Startup community. But, is Ruby on Rails stemming the need for Startups to look for talent outside the borders? Definitely a thought to ponder.

I put this question in Linkedin and received only 1 response.

Mark Aniballi wrote "RAD does not eliminate outsourcing; it replaces prototype outsourcing with insourcing. This is much more efficient for business. Once you get to where you want to be though - most enterprises want to solidify into a more traditional platform and optimise for performance using C or Java, etc."

I welcome your thoughts as well.

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